Nelson Farms
Dale Nelson Jr
Location(s): |
Region: West - Gibson County
Method of Sale: Farmers Market, On Farm Sale, Other : Reservation orders for locals
Farmers' Market: West Tennessee Farmers Market, Farmers Market in Milan
Additional Information: In 2019, brothers Mason (8) and Hunter (12) started their produce farming with 2.5 acres of sweet corn! After a great season and reinvesting their earnings they have doubled in size for 2020 and added over a dozen new offerings to supply local farmers markets and their community with fresh home grown produce. Their crops are grown with love and pride and they are enjoying learning the skills to be a quality produce farmer!
Available: Beans, Cabbage, Carrots, Corn, Cucumbers, Okra, Peas, Peppers, Potatoes, Squash Summer, Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes