Kentucky Native Bakery

Shelby Meier

Region: Middle - Davidson County

Method of Sale: Farmers Market

Farmers' Market: 12th South Farmers Market, Hip Donelson Farmers Market

Additional Information: It started with Chocolate Chip Cookies, as all good baking backstories do. They were always my go-to baked good, and with good reason – who could resist the buttery, chocolatey, world-renowned cookie king? So when my partner was diagnosed with Celiac disease in 2016, I was determined to make a cookie he could enjoy without feeling like he was missing out on something because it was gluten-free. Beginning with Nestle Toll House’s original recipe, I used my scientific background to recipe test new version after new version after new version until finally…SUCCESS! By 2021 even our friends that could eat gluten were asking for (sometimes even demanding) my gluten-free chocolate chip cookies over every other kind! With mounds of encouragement and support from friends and family, I decided to open up Kentucky Native Bakery (since I’m originally from Kentucky)!

Available: Cookies, Pies, Gluten Free