Canna Pham Farm

James Blanchett

Region: Middle - Rutherford County

Method of Sale: E Commerce, Farmers Market, Retail

Farmers' Market: Main Street Saturday Market of Murfreesboro , Friday Night Murfreesboro Farmers Market

Additional Information: We are a true seed to store hemp farm located right outside of Murfreesboro TN. We grow, cultivate, and create all of our own CBD and CBD infused products using our harvest. We are proud to be a licensed and state tested farm but we also provide additional third party testing. Our journey into holistic healing started 14 years ago after James was involved in a work accident leaving him with a broken S3/S4 vertebrae in his back. We knew that prescribed medicine would not be the long term answer for his daily pain so we started looking into holistic forms of healing. We studied ways from coast to coast and in 2018 when the Farm Bill Act passed making hemp federally legal in all 50 states we knew it was our time. We applied for our license with the State of TN and are proud to be here for our third year. We would love to be able to be one of the Pick TN hemp farms and are so excited for the opportunity.

Available: Hemp