Frost Angus Ranch

Jack Frost


4402 Taylor Road
Springfield, TN   37172

Region: Middle - Robertson County

Method of Sale: On Farm Sale, Retail

Additional Information: We are a small family ranch of 38 acres. We originally began our operation raising black angus for ourselves and our daughters and grandchildren and some of our extended families. Thru word of mouth we have received compliments & comments about our beef products and we have grown our herd enough to now be able to offer our black angus beef to the public.

Our cattle are here from birth to processing. We are Advanced Master Beef Producers and Beef Quaility Assurance (BQA) certified. Our objective is to sell a premium quality product, free of antibiotics, steroids, & added hormones, pasture and grain fed. Our beef is well marbled, aged for 14 days, vacuumed packed and processed in a USDA facility. We are very proud of our product, and hope to make it affordable to all.

Available: Retail Beef, Retail Processed and Packaged Meats

Map: Frost Angus Ranch